Quarterly Cashflow Projections


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A good estimation of quarterly cash flows is important to help business owners, financial planners, accountants, treasurers or financial controllers of small or mid-tier enterprises towards understanding the nitty gritties of a company’s financial position ,forming the basis of long term policy making.Quarterly Cash Flow Projection is a cost effective and self contained app that helps you consolidate projected monthly values of cash received and cash disbursed in a concise and effective manner on a simple and easy to use interface. The app allows you to skim through the important monthly financial projections for every quarter of a year .
Features-Elegantly designed, simple to use and suitable for all the basic financial needs of the business. Consists of four Quarterly Cash Flow Projection sheets, each for a quarter.-Each Quarterly Cash Flow Projection sheet facilitates in summarizing the projected and actual values of cash flow and income details of the enterprise for three months(i.e a quarter) and automatically calculates the corresponding variance between them. -Helps you to get a comprehensive breakdown of your inflows, cash disbursed and cash position to arrive at the end of month value thereby forecasting the short term financial performance of your firm.
Locally save your projections as a file, and re-use it with minimal changes.Simply tap e-mail to send the file to your business partners, investors and other stakeholders instantly and get feedback from them. Alternatively, you can email them to yourself.
Create a summary of the projected cash flow values and compare them with the actual ones with Quarterly Cash Flow Projections.